Thursday, June 29, 2023

May 2023


Elder Tonga and Elder Johnson

A few weeks ago (May 18th) we got this picture along with the following text message:

"Elders and Sisters our zone conference ended around 4 and we hurried and sped to the wharf. The the boat was leaving about 30 seconds after we got there. After it left, a man came up to us and told us "You are men of God. The boat will turn around." The boat left the wharf, turned around, parked again, and we were able to get on. We truly represent Christ."

I love starting  a letter with a Mission Miracle!

On May 6th, Steve was able to realise one of our "bucket list"  items for things we want to do in Fiji --

The Fiji Drua
                                Attend a live rugby game! 

He went with a good friend in the office, Romulus Toro. I was invited, but my back was not up to stadium steps or stadium seats. 

Steve had a great time, and learned a lot about the game. Fortunately, Fiji won! That made the day much more fun!

Romulus and Steve. You can see that Steve dressed
down by taking off his tie!

Steve got lots of pictures, but 
they were mostly videos
of the action!
May Birthday Notices are few, but Very Important!

First, my sister-in-law Susan, on May 22. She reports that she took a trip to the east coast to visit friends and family and had a great time. 

Second, ME! On May 24th. Good food, good friends, and a good time!

This is the Greek Burger
with loaded fries!

The Birthday Pazooki
There were 2 spoons,
and I shared liberally
with Steve!

We truly had a month of miracles with a medical adventure (drama?). Sister Kinzer was serving in Savusavu and she sent me pictures of some sores on her right foot that looked like they were getting infected. I gave my usual instructions for care, and told her to check in with Sister Markus (Mission President's Wife, MPW) the next day, Friday, at district conference in Labasa. The following evening, when she met up with the MP&MPW her leg looked much worse, and they worked with me, the Area Medical Authority (AMA) doctor in New Zealand, and a local doctor who is the landlord of the Senior couple up there, to get her on some antibiotics. By Sunday evening she wasn't looking much better, so they brought her back to Suva. I worked with the AMA and office supplies, and got her on a stronger antibiotic. We outlined the area of infection with a marker (by now it was all the way up her thigh), and byMonday morning we thought she was doing a bit better. While  Steve and I were sitting at a cafe having lunch Monday afternoon the MP sent a picture that showed the infection was spreading, pain increasing, and temp 103. We swooped to the mission home and immediately took her into the hospital/clinic. Fortunately, the doctor on duty is one of the best that I work with here, Dr. Voi. He got her on IV antibiotics immediately, and admitted her to the hospital. She spent the next 5 days there. I was so eternally grateful to the senior sisters in this mission. Sister Kinzer was constantly attended by one of us, even though the night! Sister Markus arranged shifts (4 per day) and they never allowed me to do a night shift (which is a blessing, because I know that I would not have functioned well after sitting in a char all night!)
This is the first day. If you 
can't read it, her t-shirt says
"The Struggle is Real"

After a couple of days, she was feeling much better, but signs and symptoms of the infection in her leg were slow to recede. 

Sister Kinzer enjoying a 
milkshake made specially
for her by Elder Hinkson

President and Sister Markus, Me, Sister Kinzer
and Sister Moa, celebrating her return to mission

It was so great to get her out of the hospital, but she still had several days of recovery, which meant staying in the mission home and working in the office for a few days before returning to her temporary missionary flat with 4 other companions. We cautioned all of them that she was on "light duty". Hard words for missionaries to understand. 
After a couple of weeks she was finally able to return to Savusavu. We still had some lingering problems, but we were able to handle them from a distance with the help of the Baldwins, the senior couple assigned to Vanaua Levu. Our AMA recommended a soaking solution with Apple Cider Vinegar. It was very effective! I called him later and told him that I never thought I would hear the words "Apple Cider Vinegar" come out of the mouth of a practicing physician! He was a good sport about it, and sent me the research article that documented its use and effectiveness in wound healing. I'm sure it was at least as effective as all the prayers that were being offered in her behalf.

Elder and Sister Moyes joined us in May.
They will be housed in a flat in Temple Patron housing and
will help with the myriad of details that come up when 
large groups of islanders come to Fiji
to get their temple work done. The Moyes explained that the "rest"
of their time will be spent serving in the temple as 
ordinance workers. They are quickly finding that when 
big groups are here, there is not much time for anything
but housing issues. They are truly a blessing and a 
wonderful resource!

Ravin Kumar, Steve, Mickey, Alvina Karan
and Kriti

Our biggest event of May was a 2-day seminar with three of the branches that we have been working with in the Korovou area. The folks in the picture above are from the Ministry of Health. They gave a wonderful 2 day presentation on why family gardens help our health, and ultimately the health of the nation of Fiji. Steve and I were responsible for securing the venue (the Tailevu Hotel in Korovou) and providing morning "tea" and lunch. Our funding also allowed us to cover the costs of transportation for the participants. Since all our arrangements were done in advance,  during the seminar all we had to do was sit back and watch as they presented a wonderful program that connected the food we eat to NCDs (non-communicable diseases) plaguing the South Pacific.  I learned so much from them. One statistic that caught my attention was that 6 out of 10 children in Fiji are anaemic. Then they connected that directly to drinking tea with a meal. Apparently, tea blocks the uptake of iron. I really don't think they knew their audience, but I know that everyone in the room has close association in the village with friends and family that are not members and drink quite an enormous amount of tea! 

When I ordered the food for the refreshments that we served, I had to remind the food service staff each time that this is an LDS group and we didn't want tea. I neglected to do that on a previous occasion, and we had an entire urn of hot tea with all of the trimmings for a morning break that nobody touched. I was very embarrassed. This time, the staff did a beautiful job and had hot lemon grass tea prepared, as well as Milo (think Nestles Quick) in the urn. It was well received by our participants. I did warn the Ministry of Health staff that if they wanted alternatives, they needed to bring their own. The whole program was such a testimony to me that Latter Day revelations have given us information and counsel to help avoid the scourge of the NCDs that are sweeping the developed world because of substances that should not be taken into our bodies (coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco). Counsel on things that should be part of our diets (fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, and moderation on animal protein) as well as good health habits like exercise, sleep, daily gratitude to our God, and planting a garden have been reinforced in the scriptures of the restoration.

Steve and I consider it a great privilege to be able  to teach and testify of this great work. And one of my favourite scriptures is:
         D&C 29:34
                    Wherefore, verily I say unto you that all things unto me are spiritual and not at any time have I given unto you a law which was temporal

The second day of our seminar
was a practical demonstration
for taking a mix of local 
soils to make planting
mix for seedlings

It was definitely "get your
hands dirty" time!

When the trays were all
filled with soil and planted
nobody wanted to take them
home, as they all came in 
transports and taxis. 
So I became the plant mom
to 100 new babies

I nurtured them along to 
their required planting 
height (4 inches) and
then we divided them up and 
delivered them to each 
branch that participated.

Our last seedling delivery in
Korovou  branch. The seedlings were
all alive the last time I touched
them, and that's all I cared about!

The final hour of the seminar, Steve and I were invited to make the presentations of certificates of completion to each participant, and hand to out seed starting supplies. One of the activities that day was to make an action plan on how this group would take the information they learned back to the branch members and the villages. It was so fun to watch as they all made their plans!  There were some long lists of things to do when they got back to the village.

President Lomovatu of the Verata Branch

Shirley from the Korovou Branch

Sister Baivou of the Verata Branch

Jerry Tuvau, president of the
Korovou Brach

Our entire graduating class
Tailavou Hotel, Korovou
18 May 2023

The last Sunday in May was the Verata Branch conference. I was so proud of President Qoroyo, the Nausori stake president. He told President Lomovatu not to get any special tents or chairs for the occasion, the stake wanted to know how the branch usually held meetings. So in the branch president's home, in the main room, the entire branch (including all outlying units) met for Sacrament meeting. When President Qoroya arrived, he had most of the stake auxiliary leaders, his counselers, and the high council member for Verata with him. Everyone sat on the floor (except me, because my back still isn't up to that, and I brought my own chair). Everyone sat on the floor for both Sacrament meeting and the hour of stake training that followed. Refreshments were served! I saw a few winces as the city-based leaders got to their feet, but they were so gracious and friendly, interacting with the branch members! It was a meeting I will never forget!

Elder and Sister Patton
President Qoroya and his
Edward Ramen, the stake high

Members of Verata Branch

Maya (left) is stake YW president
so of course all the young women
needed a picture with her.

No month is ever complete without at least one Senior Missionary gathering, usually at a restaurant. This particular time we met at YumYum, a local Thai restaurant. The man in the white circle is the owner and chef, and he prepared a special dinner for our group. It was delicious. We took home a lot of take-away boxes because there was so much food.

Senior Missionaries at YumYum

Last but not least, I couldn't leave you
without this iconic picture in Suvatown, Fiji
Any one of these gentlemen would be happy to 
follow you around while you do your shopping and 
load your purchases into the wheelbarrow. He will then
escort you to the parking lot, or help you load you loot into
a taxi. This day must be a slow day, because
there are not usually so many lined up ready 
for hire!

Love to you all
Mickey and Steve

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