Saturday, July 13, 2024

June 2024


We had passed this sculpture in Sigatoka many times, but on our June trip, we heard the story. The local rugby team is the Sigatoka Stallions, and the stallion's footrest (which I always thought was the world), is a rugby ball. Once I knew the story, I had to get the picture!

On June 2nd we went to Korovou because a group was graduating from their Self Reliance class, Education for Better Work, and we were invited to the event. 

Sister Livini and Steve
We stopped in Nasinu and picked up Edward Raman,
who was the Nausori Stake representative for 
the graduation

Sister Bulavou (far left) was the course facilitator, and Sister Livini (far right) is the Stake 
WSR representative, who organised and 
supported the group.

Later that day, we were asked to present our health slides to the dorm students at LDS College. Prior to our presentation Elder and Sister Bryan asked us if it would be OK for the students to practice the musical number they were singing for Stake Conference the following week. We felt so privileged to be an audience of 4 (just us and the Bryan's) as they gave a beautiful performance of the hymn. We got video of it, but it won't load here, so I'll have to go on picture memories.

Dorm Students at LDS College

Singing "Behold, the Wounds in Jesus' Hands"

Our opportunity for family "colorvata" came while Chris and family were here!

While Chris was here, matching

I wanted to get in on the fun
as well, so I made a skirt. 
Unfortunately, Chris was already
gone by the time we could
have taken a picture
Chris and Heidi

In June, we said goodbye to the Seeholzer's. They served as our office couple for a year. They were replaced by the Wilson's, who also became our new next door neighbours!

Elder and Sister Seehol

Elder and Sister Wilson

On June 19th Sister Walhstrom called me from Savusavu to report that she was having headaches every day. We reviewed all the usual stuff that can cause headaches, and made a plan. The next day, her companion called me to say that Sister W had passed out during morning studies and had fallen out of her chair. She remained unconscious for about 2 minutes, and then woke up and was fine, except for the headache. I had them go to the Savusavu clinic immediately to get her checked out. The doctor there gave her some migraine medication, which cured her headache, but did nothing to settle our fears, so Sister W and her companion flew to Suva the next day to begin the process of getting her medially reviewed. For the next week she and her companion were the guests of President and Sister La'ulu in the mission home (cushy accommodations) and we did the rounds for the medical testing. Sister W has not had any other issues since her initial syncopal episode, including no more headaches. She was cleared to go back to full time missionary work on June 27th. I'm so glad she didn't have to go home!

Sister Walhstrom and Mickey

The 3rd week of June, Steve and I were able  to take a few days off to go to Sigatoka. We stayed at the Fiji Hideaway, which was the first resort that we stayed in on our first mission. We went on an excursion called EcoTrax. We had such a fun time! The carts are fitted with bicycle parts and set on the narrow gauge railroad tracks of an abandoned sugar cane train line. They have pedal power and a motor! Here are some great pictures from our day . . .

One of 4 bridges on the route

We were in the first cart,
leading the way!

The guys bringing up the rear!

Lots of great scenery along the way

This is called the "Tunnel of Love"
On the right is the thatched roof of the chief's bure.
The only structure in the village that is allowed to be 
on higher ground is the church (in this case, Methodist)

The senior couples often get together on Saturday evenings and go to a restaurant for dinner. We take charge in rotation. One Saturday in June the Walk's decided that we should sample the street food hot sandwich vendor. 

The vendor grills
beef mince, chicken, 
and pork mince

We were all fascinated by the process

Buns are a full sized loaf of bread. One sandwich 
was ample for the two of us!

Cheese and sauces are added.
Mickey and Pam Klomp

We had a beautiful evening for the event. 
Rulene Walk (foreground) is very serious
about her selfie!

Other events in no particular order:

There is a new McDonald's in Nausori. It is across King's Highway from a big mall that has a Burger King. This is the 4th McD's on the island, and the first one with a full service drive-thru on the Suva side of the island. Sister La'ulu and I decided to treat a couple of missionaries and ended up in line for over 30 minutes!

The Sunday that we went to Korovou, Elder Sheffield (the tall one) and his family came to services, and decided to stay for our presentation. Elder Sheffield had gone home and then returned with his family. His father is a doctor, and as they traveled to the various locations that Elder S served, they were involved in 2 medical incidents in the villages. Elder's Dad had a very eye-opening experience about what the Ministry medical care can offer. It was delightful to visit with them.
June 22 was Seine Rasiga's birthday. The office staff always does a good job of recognising milestones. Seine works part-time as the receptionist, and also is attending law school. She's a sweetheart!

That's it for June! We love serving in Fiji. We love the restored gospel. We are grateful for this opportunity.

Mickey and Steve Hinkson

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August 2024

  It's Time to Say Goodbye Farewell dinner  in the home of the Temple President and Matron Top: Sister & Elder van Workem, Pres. Kam...