Shreen Acosta, Mickey, Steve |
When we were here for our first Fiji Mission in 2019, we taught a Temple Preparation class in the Suva 1st ward. Shreen Acosta was one of our participants, and she was a little irritated with me when I kept trying to follow up with her when the class ended. One day she turned to me and said, "Sister Hinkson, when I'm ready to go to the temple I'll let you know!" On Sunday, 14 July, she told me she was going to the Temple for the first time on Tuesday 16 July, and invited Steve and I to be there. We were so delighted. She said, "You were part of my journey/"
A landmark day on our mission was 19th July. I gathered up all my sewing stuff (machine included) and took it to Rachel Aitu. Her daughter is 16 and is showing some interest in sewing, but the machine she was using died. When I heard the story, I immediately knew where I needed to park my Fiji machine. I'm so glad it has a new home where it will be useful to someone until it dies!
Steve and I were asked to participate in the career fair at the LDS College. We had a planning meeting on Monday 22 July. The Fiji Ministry of Education representatives, church facilities managers (FM), the school principle and her staff (Cheryl Bahn), and two missionary couples gathered around a conference table to go over plans for the event. They have invited all the high schools in the greater Suva area to participate and bring their year 12 and 13 students to the campus. The event was scheduled for 26th & 27th July. After we met in the conference room, the group decided to take a look at the campus. I got separated from the group, so was waiting for them in the administration office. I decided to go out to meet them, and I missed a small step at the entry, and fell! I went full length onto the cement, twisting my left ankle and bonking my head in the process! I immediately had a great deal of attention all around me! The best thing that happened was immediate application of ice to my ankle. A trip to the hospital for x-rays reassured that no bones were broken. Miracles have blessed me, because all the bruising evidence suggests a significant sprain, but the healing has been amazingly rapid. Only one detail that most of you might not know: walking on crutches while wearing a skirt is quite difficult!
Waiting to get X-rays |
A very kind lady brought leaves from her "healing tree" and wrapped my ankle for the first 2 days. I've now experienced the healing miracles of "Fijian Herbs" |
Well, injured or not, the project continues! We were in charge of making 200 "snack" bags that contained a bottle of water, a granola bar, a piece of fruit (apple or orange) and a napkin. They were to be handed out to the vendors during the 2 days of the Career Fair.
Assembly line following the Country Office devotional |
Many hands make light work |
We had 200 bags assembled in 30 minutes |
Then to transport:
Elder Bryan was part of the team! |
Several students helped us get the boxes into the music room for safe keeping until the big event |
After we distributed the bags on Friday, we had 5 left.
Pictures from the Career Fair, a 2 day event: The final count was 2000 students in 2 days.
Back: Rachel Aitu and Ned Taito Front: Steve, Mickey, Sister Klomp |
I got a tour of the school farm. This was in the greenhouse with Ed Ramen |
Students in the display hall |
2000 students from the Suva area participated |
Elder and Sister Klomp |
Thursday 25th July was our final gathering with our English Connect 3 students. We spent 14 weeks meeting with these young people weekly. We sure love them!
Final day with EC3 students |
Some other pictures of events in July----
Steve and I organised the senior couples dinner at the Eden restaurant |
Seine Rasiga and I went out to lunch on her last day working in the Country office. She is studying to become a lawyer. |
Back row: Sister & Elder Van Woerkom, President Kama, President Lesuma, Steve, President La'ulu, Elder Walk, Elder Williams. Fromt row: Sister Solomoni, Sister Sheffet, Sister Kama, Sister Lesuma, Mickey, Sister La'ulu, Sister Walk, Sister Williams |
29 July we were invited to go to the Temple President's home for a farewell dinner with the temple missionaries. We had a great dinner and a lovely evening visiting and sharing testimonies.
That wraps up July.
Steve & Mickey Hinkson
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