Friday, January 10, 2025

August 2024


It's Time to Say Goodbye

Farewell dinner  in the home of the Temple President and Matron
Top: Sister & Elder van Workem, Pres. Kama, Pres. Lesuma, Steve, Pres. La'ulu, Elders Walk & Williams 
Bottom: Sisters Solomon, Sheffet, Kama, Lesuma, Mickey, Sisters La'ulu, Walk, Williams

The presentation of our family name on a Tapa Cloth by Ned Taito at the Fiji Country Office

Our office buddies sang Isa Lei, the farewell song. I cried.

Then there was Lunch!

Sister La'ulu, Venina, Sister Staples

Elder Duncan and President Qoryoa

Sister Duncan, Elder Duncan, Romulus, Sister Sawa

Sia, Anna, Queenie, Elder and Sister Boehm

Sammy, Walter, ?, Isaia and Mele Racava in the back

Michael and Sister La'ulu

Fanny and Maya

Elder Wilson, Elder Gerkin, Mickey & Steve

Our Last Sunday at the Suva First Ward

There was a baptism . . . 

. . . And a potluck lunch after church services

Far Right: Rachel Aitu and Margie Levaci

Some final Goodbye's

Sister Baivou was sad to see 
us leaving.

Seine just happened to come
by the office on our last day

Then it was time to get on the plane!

Happy to be heading home.
Sad to be leaving so many friends behind.

Suva to Nadi

Nadi to Los Angeles

August 2024

  It's Time to Say Goodbye Farewell dinner  in the home of the Temple President and Matron Top: Sister & Elder van Workem, Pres. Kam...