Thursday, February 15, 2024

January 2024

It is summer  in the South Pacific
This is a view from the Jungle

We took a few days off over New Year's weekend to go to a resort and relax. One of our "bucket list" activities since we first came to Fiji has been to go to the Sigatoka Sand Dunes and do the  beach hike. The sand dunes are a Fiji National Park, so there was a lovely visitor's centre with displays and maps and a very nice ranger who made sure we knew where the trail was. This was the first outing I have been on since my back has been in recovery, and it really tested the limits of my endurance. We estimated that it was a 2.5-3 mile hike, but there were some sandy hills to conquer! (that means 2 steps forward and one step back) I made it, but I walked a bit carefully for the rest of the weekend . . . 

Tree Huggers

View of the ocean from the top of the dune.

A long, hot sandy stretch

A glimpse of the ocean gave added incentive
to get over that last hill!

These are called Wikis, and there were 2 dozen
of them along the beach

It's always fun to hike with Steve!

Over yonder . . . 

My Guy!

This was the map at the trail head. We took the 
orange route. 

The resort we stayed at was a beautiful property, and we had fun figuring out the various restaurants, swimming pools, and beach front amenities. We signed up to go para-sailing on New Year's Day morning, but the trip was canceled due to weather concerns.

View from our balcony at the Shangra La Resort

We took this detour on our way
to breakfast Sunday morning

The view from Sacred Point 

On January 2nd, back in Suva, I was running some errands and was amazed to see this group of young men entertaining in the parking lot of the local convenience store, Kundan Singh. I was told that they go to different parking lots during the day carrying just their drumsticks, and make music on whatever objects they find in the area.

January 2024

Parking lot band

Rhythm in the New Year

Early in the first week of January we started getting a LOT of rain.

Rain doesn't stop missionary

Love my umbrella!

The BYU Pathways term started on January 8th, and we have new zone leaders for Fiji, Ned and Milika Taito. It is so wonderful to have them serving in that calling, and it has taken a big load off Steve, as he was doing zone leader as well as Area Coordinating Manager (ACM) for the South Pacific. (He spends a LOT of time at the computer!)

Ned and Milika Taito

The first week of January, I got a request from Elder Smith (AMA), to find an orthopaedic specialist to evaluate 2 young missionaries serving in Tonga. One needed a knee MRI and the other needed a shoulder MRI. I was able to get appointments the next week with Dr. McCaig at Oceania hospital. The two young missionaries came to Suva, escorted by a senior couple, Elder and Sister Padovich. We spent a few hours together in waiting rooms while we shepherded young missionaries through their doctor visits and tests. It turns out that the Padovich's are from St. George! It's always so fun to find out how small the "church world" is. 

Elder and Sister Padovich
Serving in Tonga, traveled to 
Fiji to escort young missionaries 

Did I mention? Lots of Rain in January?

President La'ulu asked me to share my Healthy Lifestyle powerpoint so the missionaries could present and discuss the content at their district council meetings the second week of January. I have gotten some interesting reports about how the message was presented, and I've decided that young missionaries are much more  creative and a lot less boring that I am. They've told me about games, songs, and personal challenges. Any way they do it, I'm thrilled if they get their 3-5 servings of fruits and veggies a day!

The Nausori district sent this picture to document
that they all chose water over fizzy drinks for 

Coconut water is on the list of approved 

And the rain continues . . . 

During a good downpour
even a walk to the temple
can leave you a little damp

I loved their pink umbrella!

Fresh ripe pineapple is one of our favourite
things in Fiji

On the 26th of January, we were invited to attend the "graduation" of the first group of Career Coaches. Career Pacific is a program sponsored by the New  Zealand Pacific area office. Focused on the Young Single Adult (YSA), it provides mentoring and resources for members of the church in the 18-30 age group. The new coaches have participated in a 6 week training to prepare them to mentor YSAs and help them navigate the path from high school to a stable career. Steve and I are resources to them in the BYU Pathways program and the Self Reliance resources.

The first coaches in the Career Pacific program

The senior couples in Suva get together a few times a month for dinner and a social evening.

R to L Klomp, Gerkin, Moyes, Seeholzer,
Walk, Williams, Hinkson
This is one of our favourite
places. Lots of atmosphere and
outdoor dining on the deck
(and be sure to bring the 
mosquito repellant!

Food court at TappooCity Mall. Steve (on the left in the red shirt) got to blow out his birthday candle and we treated everyone to ice cream bars for dessert!

But the sun does come out, and then the umbrella comes in handy for shade!

Lots of love from Fiji

Steve and Mickey Hinkson

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